Breast feeding in public

Oh where it begin……well I recently read in the news about a women (and a group of pro breast feeding crazy people) are wanting an “official” apology from an airline that may have been a bit harsh when telling a women that she shouldn’t breast feed her baby on the plane without covering up. Ok here is what I think about breast feeding in public, it’s fine so long as you cover it up. And you don’t have to cover the baby’s face to effectively cover up, just hold the cover or the blanket up. NOBODY wants to see your boobs so let’s keep them covered. People that are saying its wrong and violating the mothers rights, well what about my right to not see someone’s breast in a public place with my kids. So what you people are say is your rights are more important than mine? Next for those who say its natural and people should except it or get over it. Well here is the thing yes it is indeed natural to breast feed your baby, but if you don’t cover yourself your still showing your breast to the people around you (which in my opinion is not natural). If your going to go ahead and say that it is still natural, in that case lets all walk around naked because ummm that’s natural. We were born naked. So if we are going to fight about this being a natural thing don’t mind if the man sitting next you is butt ass naked because that too, is indeed natural. Can’t help but add this the same moms that want to breast feed the babies uncovered in public are also dressing them, hahaha. Come on don’t half ass it be natural, take those clothes and diapers off, oh and yours too. Or is it that they can pick and choose as to what is “natural”?

Lastly, if you can’t make the whole flight without either pumping and feeding ahead of time or feeding covered up then maybe you should pick a more private way to travel. Don’t force your believe that not covering in public is natural on other people, unless you want me to force all of my believes on you. FYI, I have no clue who these people are or what airline it was.

Thanks for reading kisses,
Lady BlahBlah